Propane tanks may be installed above or below the ground, but the benefits of a below-ground installation make it a no-brainer to opt for an underground propane tank.  For example, you don’t see propane tanks that are located underground so there’s no chance the tank will become an eyesore. Also, when you opt for a Mark Heard Fuel Company underground tank rental you won’t be faced with the need to make a large capital investment.

Benefits of Underground Propane Tanks

These are the most common benefits of installing an underground propane tank.

  • Hidden from view. In addition to the many advantages propane gas offers, propane tanks have the added benefit of being hidden from view underground. Access to tank connections and fittings is via a small dome that is located a few inches above the ground.
  • No capital expense for leasing option. Underground tank rentals don’t require capital expenditure, which means you can use the money you would have spent on buying a tank on other home investments or projects such as furniture or upgrades to your home.
  • Protection from possible damage. Underground propane tanks are protected from the elements and from activities that might cause damage. So, if there’s a storm, strong winds or falling trees will not knock your tank over.
  • Sheltered from extreme temperatures. Underground propane tanks can handle more extreme temperatures than above-ground tanks because they are insulated by the earth.  Even when temperatures dip below zero or exceed 100 degrees, your mind can be at ease. Above-ground tanks, on the other hand, are affected by both extreme temperatures and weather conditions.
  • Compliance with HOA or Country Regulations. Many home owners associations (HOA) and new subdivisions won’t allow above-ground tanks which means an underground tank might, in any case, be mandatory for you.
  • Assurance of cathodic protection. All underground propane tanks have protective coatings and cathodic protection systems to ensure that they won’t corrode and rust once they have been buried. This protection complies with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NFPA laws and regulations.
  • Minimized security risks. Unfortunately, tanks are sometimes susceptible to vandalism. If yours is underground, this is a much less likely occurrence.

Ultimately, an underground propane tank is safe, affordable to install, and easy to maintain. Propane is non-toxic, so even if it is accidentally released it won’t contaminate the soil or any water.

Mark Heard Fuel will ensure your underground propane tank complies with all applicable EPA, NFPA, Georgia state gas regulations as well as local zoning ordinances. We have decades of experience installing underground tanks and inspect them regularly so that customers are assured they will last for generations to come.